what is turbidity?
Turbidity is a cleanliness test that gives an indication of the amount of inorganic, organic, or biological particles on a sample.
cleaner products are more hygenic and can be rendered hypoallergenic in bedding
clean down and feather fills with better turbidity measurements typically last longer and can usually be laundered vs. dry clean only
measuring and testing turbidity
Test samples are placed in a tumbler with distilled water, then agitated. The sample is then filtered out leaving the loosened particles in the distilled water. measurements of the particles can be taken in two different ways (both recognized by IDFL).
JTU- The resulting water is poured into a metered glass tube with a target at the bottom. The water is slowly let out until the target becomes visible, and the turbidity value is recorded in mm, at the height of the water in the tube. Using the JTU method with the metered glass tube: the higher the number, the cleaner the sample. Very clean samples register a value of 550+ mm.
NTU- The resulting water can also be read with a nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU). The NTU meter measures the deflected light of a sample. The more light deflected, the higher the turbidity will be. With the NTU meter, the lower the number, the cleaner the sample. A NTU value of less than 10 is considered clean.